Conduct of Chapter Meetings
The Conduct of Chapter Meetings Leadership Development Event (CDE) introduces FFA members to parliamentary procedure as they learn how to conduct efficient meetings and build their communication skills.
Creed Speaking
Members deliver the creed from memory and respond to questions. The purpose of the event is to develop the public speaking abilities of 7th, 8th and 9th grade FFA members as well as develop their self-confidence and contribute to their advancement in the FFA degree program.
Extemporaneous Public Speaking
This event is designed to recognize outstanding FFA members for their ability to prepare and present a factual speech on a specific agricultural issue in a well thought out and logical manner. Members have thirty minutes to prepare a four to six minute speech and respond to five minutes of questions following delivery.
FFA Knowledge
The FFA Knowledge event is designed to develop personal growth and premier
leadership in younger FFA members. They can gain recognition for their efforts in
learning FFA history, and the basics of Parliamentary Procedure. This event is
open to students in grades 7-9 who are enrolled in an agricultural education
course and are paid members of a chartered FFA chapter.
High School Discussion Meet
This competition simulates a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. By participating, young men and women build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems.
Job Interview
The job interview career development event is for FFA members to develop practice and demonstrate skills needed while seeking employment in the agricultural industry.
Parliamentary Procedure
Teams conduct a mock chapter meeting to demonstrate their knowledge of basic parliamentary law and the correct use parliamentary procedures.
Prepared Public Speaking
Students write and deliver a six- to eight-minute speech about a current agriculture-related topic. The speaking skills gained through this event help students excel in school, community and career settings.